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Personal Spotify History Analysis

Personal Spotify History Analysis

2 min read

Spotify Stats Visualizer

I was having the problem that was not tracking my spotify history correctly, or rather did not have the full history that spotify has. So I decided to create a tool that would allow me to visualize my entire spotify history. spotify-stats

Right now it’s just a small tool that allows you to upload the spotify export and then visualize your favorite artists and songs, but I plan to add more features in the future.

The main pain point is that everything is done in memory on the client, which is not ideal for the filering and sorting of the data, but that was the fastest way to get it done. Later on I plan on trying to use some browser based databse to store the data.

How do you get the data?

Well since another spotify related tool called already has an article I will point you to that article. Spotify Import Guide

And if you like it please consider supporting them, as their app is very cool and the inspiration for this tool. The only diffeerence is that I wanted to make it free and open source.

Tools tab

I added a tools tab where you can see all the tools I’ve created, and I plan to add more tools in the future. For now I will only add the tools that are part of my website, but in the future I might just put tools and projects both under the same category.

Plans for the future

For the next year the main focus is to get the website redisigned. I want to make it more user friendly and add more features.

Then I also want to make sure that the projects and tools tabs are up to date and that I have a good way to show all the projects and tools I’ve created. With any additional information that explains the use-case for the tool or project.

Other than that I finally need to find a solution to the google crawling issue, as I’m not sure why it’s not crawling the correct domain right now. But that sounds like a problem for future me.

Merry Christmas and have a nice holiday season.